Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Secret sippy stash

Hailey's latest trick is getting into the cupboards to stash her sippys. I caught her doing it this morning and got the camera out. After she finished her breakfast she walked right over to one cupboard, opened it up and there was a sippy of water from last night. No wonder I couldn't find it! I took that one away from her and gave her some milk in a different sippy and when she had her fill she went on to stash that one in the other cupboard. Maybe she thinks the cupboards are like a refrigerator since she has seen us put her drinks in there when she is finished?

As long as they stay in the kitchen vicinity she can stash them all she wants. (Not the milk sippys!) I just don't like to find them days later in the toy box or heaven knows where else with a hunk of solid milk in them. Ug!

Here she is putting her own sippys away for me. What a silly
little girl!


Lesley said...

That is so funny, Ryan just drops them wherever, whenever he is finished with his drink. It is frustrating. At least she is trying to be helpful by putting them away. That's a girl for you!

jensenbo said...

How cute. I was thinking too of sour milk. Ugh!! Glad it's only juice or water. :)