Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's next, an ipod?

Last night I had my camera out taking pictures of some awesome looking clouds after the storm had passed.   I went upstairs to tuck in the kids and since I had my camera with me (convenient,  I know) I snapped a couple of sleeping shots of them - of two of them.  When I went into Spencer's room I found him sitting up in his bed, completely naked (his pajamas of choice lately) and claiming to be not tired.  When I aimed the camera at him he just sat there and said to me completely deadpan:  "Don't you dare put this picture on your blog!"

I assured him that that picture was taken from the chest up and none of his privates would be shown.   After that he wanted to see the picture and then pretend he was sleeping so I could take some sleepy shots of him.   

I am just amazed how much kids absorb when you are just going about your day.  I didn't know that the kid even knew what a blog was, let alone that I had one and put pictures and stories about him on it.  


Lesley said...

Man! They are just huge sponges, I swear. That cracks me up. I don't know if my kids now that what I am doing on here is blogging, but they do come and look at the photos.

Lesley said...

Funny that you were looking at clouds last night for pics, did you check out my blog? Pics are from last night......Great minds think alike, they don't COPY!!!!
I am glad that we think alike!