Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sunflower girl

I am a little sunflower
Sunny, brave and true
From tiny bud to blossom
I do good deeds for you
-Peter Brady

Don't be too impressed. Though I am one of the world's biggest Brady Bunch fans and do know many of the shows lines by heart, I only remembered the first and last line to Peter's little Sunflower girl speech. I had to google the rest of it. What did we ever do without google?
The boys brought home this sunflower from the farmer's market on Saturday. Since the moment I saw it I knew that I wanted to try to get a cute picture of Hailey with it. Today was the day. I didn't have very high hopes - normally what is in my minds eye is far from what actually happens in my camera. Today I was happy with what I got. They came out a little dark in my opinion. I should have used the big daddy flash - but who has time? The shots I took were all in a matter of about a minute and a half - that is all she will cooperate for. I am thinking that maybe I will be able to skip the Sears visit and blow up one of these babies to an 11x13 for my wall frame. I am a little worried about grain. My ISO was at 400 - why do I never set it back? Will I ever learn? I need some opinions - which photo do you prefer of the first and second? My gut favorite is the first. I love her expression and her stance but I don't like how the flower is facing the wrong way. I like the second - but maybe she is a little too smiley? The pointed toe is pretty cute though. So what do you think? Good enough for the wall? I need to take both and do some major Photoshopping! Les, are you in for that class?

Nice giant mosquito bite in the middle of her forehead. Thank goodness for the cloning tool. I do know how to fix some things in Photoshop.

Smelling the flower. Sunflowers don't really have a smell - do they?

He loves me. He loves me not. I love how she looks like she is on her knees. She was standing for the shot. A cool illusion that I didn't know I was doing.


dr said...

sweet little hay bay. they are all great photos. i love the special effects you are able to achieve with photoshop. i do like the second and the last one. i say skip penneys - you definitely have several great choices.

dr said...

by the way, i am impressed that you even remembered the first and last lines. you are even more of a brady afficionado than i am!

jensenbo said...

I think they are all beautiful and so creative. I have to agree with Da and skip Sears or Penneys. Any of them would be wonderful on your wall. I think I like the 2nd of the first two. But I also like the b/w with the yellow sunflower -- you can clone that bite. :) I also think the last one would be sharp on your wall --- very "artsie". So I vote for -- in this order --- 5,2,3. Can I have a copy of one of them, please?? She's very photogenic, isn't she??

Lesley said...

I think they are all great, of course, but LOVE the second. Yes- I am in for the class, just need more info to try and coordinate the schedule with work and trying to get some of those days off. Let me know asap, leave a message on my machine so I can figure it out on my calendar. Thanks.

Lesley said...

go with your gut on this. You are the one who has to have it on your wall. choose what your inital thought is, or you will be back getting another! They really are all beautiful. You should do a collage of them in a tri spot frame or something.