Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snow, snow and more snow.

I would be happy to not see any more snow flurries until next year.  We have so much snow.  We have not had snow like this in years.  I don't think the snow "hill" that the plow makes has been this big since Evan was in Kindergarten or maybe even younger. 
When Evan got off the bus from school and spied the new snow that had been added to the hill, he knew exactly what he wanted to do.  He handed me his backpack to bring in the house and got to work. 

The snowman Spencer made the night before during our snow storm.  I was outside shoveling and couldn't even keep up.  As soon as I finished, the driveway would be covered with another half inch. 

He hit up the recycling bin for milk and juice tops to decorate his snowman.

There is something about Evan these days.  I like him so much lately.  I know that probably sounds weird, but I don't know how to describe it.  I love all three of my kids with every inch of my heart - and I love them all equally.  But sometimes I don't always "like" them all equally.  Is that true for all parents or am I just the worst mom in the world?  I don't "dislike" my other two kids, it just seems that Evan and I have had a great relationship for the past week or so.  Most likely things will change in a day or so and I will feel a greater connection with one of the other two, but the past few days have been all Evan.   Am I a bad mother for even writing that?  Go get my application for mother of the year and throw it away.

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