Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard: Then (1978)

These pictures from the blizzard of 1978 - a mere thirty three years ago (GULP!) - make our "blizzard" from yesterday look like a dusting.

Me waist high in the snowdrifts.

My sister and I leaning against some pretty high driveway banks. (Our driveway currently looks nothing like this).

My mom or my dad choosing to ski around rather than sink into the snow. What a leg workout that would have been!

Me checking out the drifts in our backyard and deck.

Inside our family room showing off the drift on the deck from another vantage point. I see Evan in myself so much in this photo. If you cut off the long hair, that's my boy! (Goofy closed mouth smile and all!)

1 comment:

jensenbo said...

It was quite the blizzard to say the least ---- we were trapped for days on our little block. So much snow we couldn't leave the street. What an adventure. You and Da had a fun time out in the deep snow and Paul shoveled for hours on end to just get a path going. I don't know when he finally got his truck out. :)PS That was him on his skis.