Thursday, November 6, 2008

Spencer's drawing

Spencer came home from school with this picture he colored in his Friday folder. I just laughed and hung it right up on the slider. It is kind of hard to see in this post, but there is a stick figure guy pushing something across the lawn.

On the back he wrote "My Dad mowing."

His teacher probably thought he was crazy and wondered what was with the "S" in the middle of the lawn in the picture. Little did she know that the kid was dead on the money!

The best photo I could get of our lawn featuring Daddy's artistic handy-mowing skills!


Lesley said...

Nice mow job Trent!!! That is cool, Kids absorb everything.

jensenbo said...

Go big "S" for State!! I love the way Spence spelled mowing -- "moing". Of course, the "w" is silent. Good job, Spence!! :))