Sunday, November 4, 2007

Move over Tool Belt Diva!

Today marks the first day of hell week. Trent will pretty much be gone from now until 7pm next Sunday. We had intentions of lowering Hailey's crib yesterday and then again today, but we spent most of yesterday at the hospital and Trent went back there today before going into work.

Hailey can now go from her back to a sitting position and is probably close to being able to pull up. I didn't think the lowering would safely wait a week so I decided to attempt it myself. How hard could it be?

It wasn't very hard at all. As soon as I found a hexagonal screw wrench I was all set. Of course the directions that Trent had written on the crib support board were a necessity. I am sure that the first time he tried to lower it was a task. It was semi intense - I had to take a whole side off the crib to be able to adjust the support board. After initially discovering that, I am sure he needed to document directions for his own sanity. Anyway, the job was a success. I was very proud of myself and thought Hey - this is no big deal, I can do this myself next time. Then of course was sad when I realized that the next time would be when we were taking the crib down FOREVER! Insert sad face. Oh well - we can always save it for our grand kids! Then I can be Tool Belt Granny!

Evan inspecting my work!

The handy tool set.

Miss Hailey is safe and sound now!

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