Saturday, October 24, 2015

Half day hike

Two days in a row of no recess because of half days.  My kids (and me) really needed to burn off some energy.  We decided to take a short hike to the beach.  As we neared the turn off to the path to the beach, I remembered the kids had been curious about where the "rock" was that marked the mile turn around point for Daddy and Spencer's summer runs.  Since I had run with Spencer twice to the rock, I knew where it was.  So we headed there first. 

A quick break on some pleasantly arranged logs and a group nature selfie.

As we were walking I noticed the time was 2:00.  The boys had informed me that the cast list for the middle school musical was due to be posted by two.  I told Evan that we would head up to one of my favorite spots in the dunes overlooking the lake and bring up the file on my phone.  I told him whether it was good news or bad news there was really no better spot to make you feel like whichever way it was is the way is it supposed to be. To which Evan replied "then if I don't make it, it will be easy to just throw myself over the cliff."  He was kidding of course but that right there in perfect comedic timing proved that he deserved to get a part in the show.

They both got cast!  Spencer has a bit part with the role of Uncle Henry and Evan got a part in the ensemble.  And he found a piece of paracord - the day kept getting better!

The day was fairly warm and not windy.  We were having the best time exploring and checking out the amazing scenery and colors.

Evan even stripped off his shoes and went in the water after a lottery ticket that was washing ashore.  He was sure it would be a winner.  It was half ripped.  Strangely enough, about 50 yards up the beach we found the other half - then had to walk back for the first half that he had left.  Both halves together sadly did not equal a winner.  (Upon further inspection, Hailey thinks there is still a part missing - she thinks it was ripped in thirds and we should go back for the third piece!)

After all of our exploring we realized that we were out walking for around two hours!  We were pretty tired after our fun filled afternoon in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

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