Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maybe someday he'll take his Mama to the Oscars....

Spencer's third semester (though he didn't participate in the second semester) of acting class ended this past weekend with a play that showcased all that they learned throughout the past months. Spencer had the role of "Narrator Two" and for weeks he and Daddy have been saying his lines and trying to learn how to deliver the words with feeling.

I was very proud watching him during his play on Saturday. First of all, he is totally the cutest thing I have ever seen on stage. Second of all, he did fantastic! He was one of the only kids that had their lines completely memorized. Their acting coach had the script sitting out in case they needed to use it, and more kids than I would have thought, were scanning that paper for every one of their lines!

I give him so much credit for getting up in front of so many people and doing a fabulous job! I know that I couldn't have done it at his age and would have been mortified if I had to! Heck, I would be mortified right now if I had to! I am not a public speaker. Not one little bit. Since my kid's father makes a living speaking in front of the public - maybe my kids will fall somewhere in the middle of that realm. Though apparently, Spencer doesn't mind the spotlight too much!

He also enjoys the behind the scenes aspect of productions. When the weekend shows of Beauty and the Beast were going on, he asked me on Saturday morning if he could go into work with Daddy and help backstage. Trent said it was fine and we agreed that I would pick him up around five o'clock so Trent would have time to get things ready before the evening production. When I got to the school at five to pick him up, I called Trent to let him know that we were there. He informed me that Spencer didn't want to go home, he wanted to stay and help with the evening show as well. OK. Thanks for calling and saving me a twenty minute trip.

As it turned out, when I was there to pick Spence up, Trent and Spencer were not at the school anyway. They were following an ambulance to the hospital that was carrying one of Trent's students who had an accident involving his knee cap moving to the side of his leg. Ow! Long story short, he couldn't get a hold of the kid's parents and didn't want him going to the hospital alone so he (and Spencer) went with. All was fine with the kid. Parents showed up. Kneecap back in the right spot. But the kid was hopped up pretty good on some painkillers so obviously couldn't go back to the show to do his back stage duties.

Insert Trent and Spencer to take over the job of kneecap kid. Spencer was in heaven! He got to run out on stage between scenes and change the set. He got to work curtains. He got to shoot off a confetti cannon. Seriously - that poor kid's injury was my boy's dream come true!

He got home that night after working at the school for over twelve hours and could not wait to go back the next day. I think the kid has been bitten by the techie bug.

I guess that the kids in the play had asked Trent if Spencer could be in the show on Sunday since he had been so fun to have around. Trent mentioned it to me on Sunday morning and I found Spencer's old Cinderella costume (costume from the musical Cinderella - not a ball gown. Ha!) and gave it to Trent "just in case". Sure enough, the actors persuaded Spence to do it and he showed up in the play in the mob scene near the end.

He seemed a bit nervous because it is a choreographed scene and he had no idea whatsoever what he was supposed to do. The girl that was supposed to be his Mom in the scene just told him to stay next to her and do what she did.

I love seeing him on the stage and I love how excited he is about being up there and how equally thrilled he is about being behind it. On Sunday night when the play was over (hallelujah!) he asked me when I thought Dad was going to be doing another play and when he did, could he work it again? Bitten HARD! I am so glad that he has found something that he really seems to enjoy!

1 comment:

jensenbo said...

It's great that Spence found something he really loves --- the theater and acting. What a doll ---- he looks so cute on stage!!