Monday, December 2, 2019


Fall is flying by!  I know I sound like a broken record, but it seems the years just go by faster and faster the older and busier my kids get. 

We started off November with Spencer being inducted into the Tri M Music Society for the second year.  Tri M is like an honor society for students with a high GPA that are also involved in the arts. 

A couple of years ago Spencer decided he wanted to participate in the school blood drive.   After his first donation the Red Cross sent us a letter thanking him and letting him know that his blood type was O negative.  He is a universal donor so his blood is highly sought after.  We get a least one call a week asking him to donate when he can.  After he donated this fall he received a thank you letter telling him where some of his donation went to help.  It could just be all bunk to get him to donate more, but I couldn't be prouder of him either way.

The boys had roles in Agatha Christies's "And Then There Were None".  They were both awesome.

I brought my big camera to take a few pics of them during the show, but the "click" on my camera seemed so loud in the not full theatre during the quite quiet show.  I took one or two and was then embarrassed when I saw people turning around to look at me.  Oops.

Their proud family came out to support them.

Evan also had a big group of friends cheering him on.

I updated my frames with the yearly school pictures and one is now full.  How can that even be?

I took advantage of a warm fall day to get out my Christmas trees for the yard and porch.  The house looked kind of like it didn't know what season to be in.  Early Fall?  Late Fall?  Winter?

On Thanksgiving morning Hailey, Trent and I did the Turkey Trot to earn our pie.

Then came home and started to make our turkey dinner.

And decorate our Christmas Tree.

I am so thankful for these three turkeys!

Our Thanksgiving feast! I got to use my Christmas plates for the first time ever!

Hailey and her turkey cupcake creation.

Our annual shot of the kids decorating the tree.  They just keep growing and getting taller.

It was a good November ending with a great Thanksgiving.  We are definitely blessed!

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