Friday, December 20, 2019

It's getting festive around here!

I have probably said this before, but the Singing Christmas Tree is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season.  It has been around since I was in high school.  I remember seeing it one time long ago but it is totally different when your own kids are in it.  

This post is very picture heavy.  Some photos are mine and some are hijacked from the local online news site. 

Spencer had a solo in the tree this year.  He was so thrilled when he was chosen to sing the part of "Heatmiser" in the Cartoon Christmas song.   A good friend of his that graduated last year sang the part in Spencer's first Tree and it always stood out to him.

The boys also had a song/skit that they performed while the students were loading into the tree.  I love seeing my boys on stage together doing what they love.

A picture from the news photographer.  Spencer is in the right corner.

The whole thing is just breathtaking.  Every year I am just amazed by it.

Evan is the middle of my shot.

Almost the same photo but Spencer is above and to the left - almost cut out. Oops.

Spencer's row is the next one that gets to leave.

I love these guys!  And I love that through singing and theatre they have become so much closer.

Spencer gazes up toward the tree.  Lots of great memories.  I can't even think about the fact that this year was his last time in it.

A side view from backstage.  A view that many don't get to see.

Once again they live streamed the Saturday night performance so Hailey and I got to watch it at home.   We snapped some pictures off the TV screen.

I was just in the nick of time to grab the shot announcing his solo.

All the seniors.  Ready for their final tree performance.

The boys sextet group not only performed before the tree, but they also did a couple other "gigs" around town at churches and even got paid to perform at a law firm's Christmas party.  On the day before Christmas break they performed at a couple of the district elementary schools.  I snuck in to my kids former elementary to see them perform.  They look so huge in the tiny hallways.

So many memories and moments this year.  Just another reminder how fast these years fly by.

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