Monday, November 4, 2019

Halloween 2019

Warning: There is a picture heavy post ahead.  I love Halloween.  I love helping the kids put their costumes together.  I think it is the extras and little details on the costumes that make me most happy.  

Hailey dressed up as a "campfire" this year.  We found the idea on Pinterest and copied some, but also made it our own.   She initially wasn't sure about the tu tu aspect of it.  She is so into the "not standing out" at all phase of her middle school career.  Most days she dresses in black or gray so she thought the tu tu might be a bit much.  When I agreed to not make it super poofy - she got on board.  It might be one of my favorite costumes she has ever worn. 

It's hard to tell in these photos but the tu tu had a string of fairy lights in it so it actually lit up. 

My favorite part of the whole costume was the headband.  This was our idea - the Pinterest photo didn't have any kind of head gear.  We originally wanted to put them through her bun kind of like chopsticks but they were too floppy.  We ended up hot gluing them onto an old headband.  It was perfection!

Spencer and I spent the last month of summer watching Stranger Things together.  We both love Steve and when I suggested that Spencer dress as him for Halloween - he was (SHOCKER) totally into it.

His favorite part is of course the Demogorgon killing nail bat.

The best part was that his girlfriend dressed up as Robin. They even look like the actors that play the characters.

Evan and his girlfriend dressed up as each other.  They won the costume contest in their choir class for the most creative.

All three kids invited friends over to our house before Trick Or Treating started.  We had a houseful.  It was fun to see all the kids in costume and having fun.

Evan and his Bros.

The high school group.

Hailey and her friends.

The group that comes over for D & D - minus a few.

The only pics I have of my three before school on Halloween.  The weather was so terrible we couldn't take any outside photos.

It was a super fun Halloween.  I can't wait until next year!

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