Friday, October 25, 2019

Will I miss this someday?

Spencer spends basically all of his time when he's not as school, rehearsal and sleeping in our office.  So much so that my five year old nephew calls the room "Spencer's office".  I am not looking for a parent of the year award for this but if you think about it, there are a lot of worse things an eighteen year old kid could be doing. 

What drives me the most crazy about the whole thing is the MESS.  Do you see the container of week old popcorn?  The two half drunk two liters on the floor?  The almost gone soda on the desk?  The two sips out of it water bottle on the desk?  Why does someone need so many drinks at an arms length?   

I am not absent from fault.  The room is a hot mess to begin with.  One of my goals with my new flexible work schedule is to get the house organized and this room is one that I don't even know where to start. 

I keep thinking to myself that someday he won't live here anymore and maybe I will miss his god awful mess.  But will I?   At least that's what I tell myself as I try to resist the temptation to pick up the dirty socks on the floor so I can make him do it himself when he gets home.

1 comment:

dr said...

Ha! I know you will miss him, but probably not the mess! :-)