Monday, October 14, 2019

Homecoming 2019

I feel like I blew it a little bit in documenting the spirit week outfits for this year's homecoming.   I did get a few of the creations, so here they are.

The HS had a travel theme this year.  Monday was Florida.  Evan decked out in his beach attire.  Spencer didn't really dress any differently. 

The MS had a meme vs. vine day and Hailey didn't want to do it.  Honestly, I am not sure if I even would KNOW how to do it. 

Tuesday was a western theme at both school.  I didn't get a picture of them all together because they are rarely all ready at the same time.

Evan and his horse.  We didn't know if the mask would be allowed so he brought a hat as well.

Wednesday was Rainbow vs. Black/White/Gray day at the MS.   Hailey just wore what she wears almost every day.

The HS theme for the day was Colorado - dress in your ski gear.  Spencer wore our giant snowsuit.  Evan brought snow pants and a hat and other cold weather stuff but was at breakfast with his friends before school.   It was a late start Wednesday.

Thursday was twin or group day at the MS.  Hailey and some friends went as Teletubbies.

HS theme was Oregon(Hippie) vs. New York(Preppy).  Evan went hippie.  Spencer went preppy.

Friday is always Blue and White Sailor pride day.  The boys both went their own directions.  Hailey didn't dress up because she is on her way to visit her cousins for the weekend and got to ditch school.

The boys were supposed to walk in the parade with their Players group but the parade kind of got rained out.   There were about five or so groups still in it, but it was miserable to watch and probably more so to walk in.

At least the rain cleared up for Saturday and the homecoming dance. 

Evan's girlfriend could not go to the dance because she had a previous commitment to act in a show downtown on the same night.  Evan had her over before she had to show up to her call for their own dance beforehand.  How sweet is my baby boy?

Later Evan had all his guys over for BROCO 2019. 

Spencer went to pick up his girlfriend and brought her back for photos so I was able to get a few of them and then my two handsome boys together.

Always so dramatic!  I heard they all had a nice time at the dance so I guess HOCO 2019 was a success.

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