Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gettin' crafty with my girl

Hailey won this set of beads and string to make necklaces last weekend at a holiday party we went to. When she picked it out, I tried to persuade her to choose something else. I thought it was WAY to old for her.

I was wrong. She could do it all on her own. I had to tie a knot in the end for her or she would pull the beads all the way across the string, but that was all I had to do. She did a great job and loved working on it. And it kept her busy for a whole fifteen minutes or so!

I set her up with me at the dining room table so I could keep my eye on her as I tried to finish up some sewing projects.

I am eager to finish, because this is what my dining room has looked like for weeks now. Not super festive. I decided that this year I am going to set my dining room table with my Christmas dishes that I bought half price at Target...ummm....probably seven years ago - and maybe used once in that seven years. I love them and figured that they are meant to be used. What am I saving them for?

Today is supposed to be a snowy, cold day so I am planning on hunkering down inside and finishing my Christmas cards and my craft projects. I will post them when they are done - but not until after Christmas!


dr said...

Hailey looks like she is really into the beads. Mira will love to do some crafts with her next week. Cookies, maybe? Fun that you can set up your dining room for crafts. I am interested to see what your other projects are.

dr said...

And, yes. By all means - get those plates out!