Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday Moments - September So Far...

I have good intentions to start this all up again.  We will see how it goes.  I feel like ANYTHING I can get on here is a win.  With two kids in high school and my baby in middle school, I can sense how fast time is flying by and whatever I can record - my future self will be more than grateful. 

What else is there to do when you are at tennis waiting for your turn to play.  Fun with fruit!

The football game between Mona Shores and Reeths Puffer was held at RP this year.  Evan, Hailey and I went to cheer on our Sailors and hear the Voice of the Rockets.

Friday night lights with my favorite girl.

Hailey and I bought her a couple new things for school.  She was kind of iffy about this skirt but I loved it.  Once I helped her style it a little she started feeling it too.  I thought she looked so cute and stylish in it.

We spent Saturday and Sunday afternoon at the Irish Music Festival.  It has been a few years since we have gone because it has fallen on youth hunt for the past four or so years.  It was a gorgeous weekend.  It felt more like summer than fall.

Evan posing on a pier that juts into Muskegon Lake that I don't think I have ever been on.

Family Groupie on the pier.

H showing off her CREW pass.  Trent has students that work the festival so he gets us passes to get in which is a huge bonus.

Hailey checking out how the earrings she bought look on her.

Evan posing in his new hat.

Then in front of an Irish castle.

On Sunday we got to hear the Mona Shores Fiddlers play.  A few of Evan's good buds are in the group.

Hanging out at the fest.

It has been a beautiful September so far with much more fun to come.

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