Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We made it out without an Elephant Ear!

It is the first day of July. Do you notice what we are wearing in these photos? Fifty nine degrees is not an acceptable temperature for the middle of the day this time of year. Mother Nature? It is time to step it up a bit!

We took the kids down to dollar ride day at the midway today. We warned them ahead of time that they could not go on EVERY ride and they could not play EVERY game that they saw and that they could not have EVERY treat that beckoned from the colorful stands of goodness.

The experience could not have gone better. They were wonderful. We stayed for about two hours - which seems to be a perfect amount of midway time for their ages. They rode a bunch of rides and each played a couple of games for two bucks a try and were rewarded with "treasures" that probably cost about thirty cents and are probably broken as I type this and even got to enjoy some caramel corn and cotton candy. Of course they asked for another game or one more ride on something, but when we told them "no" they accepted our decision without a hint of tantrum or whinyness. What more could a parent ask for? All in all a perfect day with the Carnies.

This is probably Spencer's last year on the "little" train!

The boys on the roller coaster. I have a whole series of these shots and every one of them makes me smile. They were so happy on that thing!

The boys inherited their father's ability to run into someone he knows EVERYWHERE he goes. At the midway they ran into our neighbor boy who is one of their best buds.

Mommy and Hailey on the elephant ride. Our little girl is a daredevil! She kept telling me to make the elephant go UP!

Hailey playing the fishing game. It took her a LONG time to pick her prize. I don't really think she understood the concept. She could see the merry - go - round and just wanted to go for a ride on that.

Eventually she picked this rose and got her ride on the merry -go -round as well. Here she is practicing her tango look.

I think the boys love these bungee jumpers more than anything. Maybe it reminds them of their days in the doorway bouncer?

Our whole family went up on the ferris wheel. It was cold and windy up there! July!
Anyone who grew up in this town would be flooded with memories by looking at this next photo. I can remember riding the Himalaya as a preteen and thinking how cool it would be to be at the carnival with my future boyfriend. My young mind just thought that was the ultimate date and this ride was the ultimate date ride. (It really is because you totally get smushed into the side of the person you are riding with.)

My dream of dates at the midway and riding the Himalaya with boyfriends eventually came true. But none of those memories will be able to hold a candle to the one of my little boys face and expressions and sheer joy and laughter the first time he rode this ride. I was watching him and laughing my head off. It was a great moment. (I made Trent ride with him because I honestly don't know if I can handle that ride anymore. Growing up just bites!)

This photo is just so "end of day at carnival". Two boys fake fighting with blow up swords and little sister just standing there holding her prize rose. What a great day!

1 comment:

jensenbo said...

Wow!!! Fun day at the carnie!! Love the pictures and your post. You can just feel their joy!!