Monday, February 1, 2021

January 2021 - A New Hope

 As always, the holidays sped by and January arrived in a blink of the eye.  And then seemed to last FOREVER!  I think January is my least favorite month.  I hate to say that because one of the highlights of my life was born in January, but it's just so long and so cold and dark. Which is ironic because even though Hailey was born in January she is the opposite of those things.  

Anyway here is a glimpse into the beginning of our new year. 

The beach was gorgeous much of the time and we went on many walks there and through the woods.

The paths were often pretty icy and Hailey didn't always heed my warnings to be careful. 

This was the morning of her fourteenth birthday.  She was thinking of doing a polar plunge at one time then changed her mind to just walking in the water.  It was so cold.  I don't know if she will ever try that again on January 9th!

On her birthday afternoon she wanted to go to an escape room with our family so we did.  We had a lot of fun and made it out in time!

We came home and she opened gifts.  We got Olive Garden takeout which is her favorite.  

She made her birthday cake all my herself.  It took her pretty much all day to "perfect" it.  It tasted delicious and looked like a professional made it. 

Another day, another beach walk.  I do feel extremely fortunate to live so close to this amazing view. 

We found this little plastic hand on the beach and had some fun taking photos with it.  The hand and the garbage on the beach inspired us to try to remember a bag every time we go so that we can collect trash. 

We remembered one day and had a bagful.  So sad that that all of this ends up on our shoreline and in our water. 

As pandemic rules start to slacken a bit, Trent was able to put on his "Fall Play" in mid January.  We went to the Saturday matinee and got to watch Cousin Kyle perform.  

Seriously?  Look at that amazing blue sky!

January couldn't end without a bit of fix it drama.  Our furnace went out (lucky on a day where the sun was out and temperatures were decent).  Trent picked up the part we needed and he and Spencer installed it. 

A Saturday evening of playing "Slay".  Evan introduced the squirt guns he bought into the game so that made it interesting. 

January 2021 had its up and downs for sure.  I feel like there was just always a lot to think about.  Big changes in our government, challenges of our democracy, an on going pandemic - as if that wasn't enough there seemed to be daily challenges closer to home as well.  I always say that I hate to wish time away, so seeing the end of January is not so much that.  I think I'm just ready to start again with a new month and new hope. 

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