Saturday, March 2, 2019


I am not sad to see February go.  I feel like my 2019 has started out a little lacking.  I mean that is not necessarily a bad thing.  I am glad that things are not bad.  The first two months have just been a little blah and a bit trying for reasons I won't get into right now.  So with that said, here are the photos I grabbed off my phone from February.

The three boys went on a hike at Lake Harbor Park to track down Pokemon.  When they got home Spencer realized his glasses must have fallen out of his pocket.  Irritated and not wanting to purchase a new pair, I took him back to retrace his steps and lo and behold we were successful.  He can thank his lucky stars for that.

Since we were already there and it was a mild day, I made him walk to the beach with me to check out the ice.

We continued to have snow days into February.  Actually they were more ice than snow days.  You can see the ice hanging off of our pine tree.

Hailey and I were in the Dollar Store grabbing a few things a couple days before Valentine's Day.  They really had their balloon supply stocked up!

One evening after shoveling I noticed how our bush still looked really pretty covered in snow.  It looked prettier in real life.

Sunshine and blue skies are so few and far between these days.  When we get a day like this we have to take full advantage.

Hailey was thrilled to spot some open water she could wade in.

The lake is so beautiful in every season.  In winter it reminds me of being on another planet.

Leave it to Hailey to find ice that she could stand on.  It wasn't long before it broke apart and she was left standing in inches of water with a soaked boot.

Trying to use her mitten as a sock for her freezing foot.

Then she found some ice that would really hold her.

She is such a goofball.  She always makes me shake my head and laugh.

One morning I woke up early and noticed a bunch of deer laying in our front yard.

They spotted me quick and started to move on.

March is here and Spring is less than a month away.  We are all hoping for some warmth and sunshine.  March is always busy because it is "musical season" around here.  We start with Trent's show this weekend and the boys a couple of weeks later.  We have lots to look forward to.  Bring it on!  March into Spring!

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