Evan. Three years old. Or "three and a half" as he always corrects me. He is just my baby guy. He is so cute, I just find myself wanting to hug him all the time! Oh, don't get me wrong he has his moments for sure - and he recently found a new screaming technique that he uses in moments of despair and frustration that almost shatters the glass in our house. Most of the time, he is such a good boy!
He is still an artist. We enrolled him in an art class through community services and he loves it. He was a little put off during the first class when a fluorescent light burnt out and popped and caused some smoke and the teacher freaked out about a fire and evacuated the kids. He didn't want to go back because he was afraid of the fire. After I promised him (with fingers crossed behind my back) that it wouldn't happen again, he went and made a cool Valentine vase. His preschool teacher even commented to me the other day about one of the pages he colored. She told me she was totally impressed by how many colors he used and how he did a great job of staying in the lines and always took his time. Who knows, maybe he will be the next big thing!
He still loves his dinosaurs. The boy is a dino genius. He knows their names and if they are "good" or "bad", what they eat - he knows more than I do. If a three year old, excuse me a three and a half year old, uses the word carnivore on a daily basis you know there must be some learning going on. There are dinosaurs all over our house. A couple in every room and even some in the car. I try to corral them all up at night into his room, but the next day the herd has once again migrated.
Naps are now an every other day thing for him. Sometimes not even that frequent. The not napping frustrates me because I can tell by late afternoon that he is still tired. Sometimes he will even fall asleep on the couch or in the car if we are driving somewhere. He will have "quiet time" in his room and he will stay in there and play for a couple hours - I still think he needs the rest, so I keep trying.
I just love his voice and the way he talks. He has trouble with his "s" blends. Like when he says "I smell something" it sounds like "I fell something". Spencer has always been "Scencey" to him. School is "shool". Spilled is "filled". Skittles is "sittles". It is pretty cute. At this point, we are not concerned about speech therapy or anything. We are kind of waiting to see if he will grow out of it like he did for "gagagilk and I want it warm frees" which was his way for a long time of saying he wanted "chocolate milk and I want it warm please". His teacher hasn't voiced any concern and I have heard kids in Spencer's class that speak worse than Evan, so chances are he will be fine.
The title of this post just refers to a funny thing that Evan said. On Sunday after church we were asking the boys what they learned about in Sunday school. Evan told us that they learned about being humble. Trent asked him "what kinds of things did you learn about being humble?" To which Evan replied "You don't get money for it!" No you don't buddy. It just cracked us up.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 427
1 day ago